J L Collins Stock Series Summary

Find the original set of articles here

A generally impressive set of articles about the stock market and the policies to follow for long term success. It is well worth a read and a re-read as a reminder over time.


There’s a major market crash coming!!!! and Dr. Lo can’t save you

The Market Always Goes Up

But this. This was a whole ‘nother frame of reference. I held tight for three or four months. Stocks continued to drift ever lower. Finally, I lost my nerve and sold. I just wasn’t tough enough. That day, if not the absolute bottom, was close enough to it as not to matter. Then, of course and as always, the market began again its relentless climb. The market always goes up. It took a year or so for me to regain my nerve and get back in. By then it had passed its pre-Black Monday high. I had managed to lock in my losses and pay a premium for a seat back at the table. It was expensive. It was stupid. It was an embarrassing failure of nerve. I just wasn’t tough enough.

Most people lose money in the market. (And here’s why)

The Dow started the last century at 66 and ended at 11,400. How could you lose money during a period like that? A lot of people did because they tried to dance in and out. – Warren Buffett

The Big Ugly Event, Deflation and a bit on Inflation

Keeping it simple, considerations and tools

Portfolio ideas to build and keep your wealth

Can everyone really retire a millionaire?

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401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, and should you avoid your company’s 401k

Why I don’t like investment advisors

What if Vanguard gets nuked?

International Funds


The 4% rule, Withdrawal Rates, and how much can I spend anyway?

Deflation, the ugly escort of Depressions

Target Retirement Funds

Index Funds are really just for lazy people, right?

What if you can’t buy VTSAX? Or even Vanguard?

Investing in a raging bull

How to think about money

Early Retirement Withdrawal Strategies and Roth Conversion Ladders from a Mad Fientist

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Stepping Away from REITS

Selecting your Asset Allocation

RMDs, the Ugly Surprise at the End of the Tax-Deferred Rainbow

HSAs, More Than Just a Way to Pay your Medical Bills.

Pulling the 4%

Why I Don’t Like Dollar Cost Averaging

Debt - The Unacceptable Burden

Collins vs. Vanguard

Too hot. Too cold. Not pure enough.

Why you should not be in the stock market


How to unload your unwanted stocks and funds